31. 08. 2020 - 17:33
IZ PUNOG SPRINTA DOSLOVNO POLETJELA: NAJLUĐA trka ikad viđena, favorizirana Alison Feliks nije sebi mogla doći


IZ PUNOG SPRINTA DOSLOVNO POLETJELA: NAJLUĐA trka ikad viđena, favorizirana Alison Feliks nije sebi mogla doći

31. 08. 2020 - 17:33

Jedna od onih trka koje će se vječno pamtiti je finalna utrka žena na 400 metara na Olimpijskim igrama u Riju (Brazil) 2016. godine.

Pobijedila je atletičarka s Bahama Šouni Miler (Shaunae Miller) i to na zaista nestvaran način. Nešto što do tada svijet nikad nije vidio.


4 years ago today! On this day, at the age of 22, I became an Olympic Champion. Growing up, I would always watch my favourite athletes like VCB @vcampbellbrown compete at the Olympics and win. As a kid I always told myself that I would not only make it to the Olympics, but that one day I would become a champion. I remember in 2012 I made my first Olympic team and my mindset was the same, to win, even if my PR was only 51.2 ????. Long story short I pulled my hamstring and didn’t get to run more than 50m. Instead of getting down on myself I used that as motivation and kept building. Four years later I had a different outcome and was standing on top of the podium ????. Like I always say “What God has for you, no man can take it away.” To all of you amazing athletes out there never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Set a goal, work hard towards it, know that you can do it, and crush it.

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Naime, ona je do zlata došla pretrčavši stazu za 49 sekundi i 44 stotinki, a iza sebe je ostavila glavnu kandidatkinju za titulu, Amerikanku Alison Feliks (Allyson Felix) (49,51), i to tako što je u bukvalno poslednjoj sekundi odlučila se na nešto nevjerovato - da poleti.


What’s coming is better than what is gone ✨

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Tačnije, bacila se ka cilju, kroz vazduh prešla oko dva metra i za sedam stotih dijelova sekunde je bila brža od favorizirane rivalke.

“Iskreno, ne znam šta se desilo. Po završetku trke sam najprije čula majku kako vrišti i pomislila sam: Okej... izgleda da sam pobijedila?!", rekla je poslije Milerova.

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