04. 05. 2019 - 14:30
ZOVU JE "THE BODY": Najpoznatija je fitness instruktorica na...


ZOVU JE "THE BODY": Najpoznatija je fitness instruktorica na svijetu, za njenim oblinama lude milioni

04. 05. 2019 - 14:30

Michelle Lewin jedna je od najpoznatijih fitness instruktorica u svijetu, a poznata je i pod nadimkom La Cuerpa, odnosno The Body.


Strike-a-pose @one0one_101

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To end the speculations: -YES, I lost weight. 2 years ago I was training myself and the same day with friends and family, and I just couldn't say "enough". 3-4 hours per day in the gym is NOT good, and my knee started hurting due to overtraining. For the last year it has been really really bad, and has stopped me from training hard, sometimes not at all. Lots of rest, countless treatments and painkillers... and I am on my way back (still hurts, but not as bad as before). So the BootyBuilding is on, with more reps and less weight. Here is a really good combination for legs and butt: "Good Mornings", "Squats" and "Squats with feet together". 20-25 reps, 4 sets. ✅Wearing @one0one_101 ????“Scrunch butt”???? ????Music @GarethEmery @EmmaHewittOfficial "Take Everything" ????????‍♀️Gym: @MuscleGym_CGN

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Puno pažnje privlači i na Instagramu, gdje je prati gotovo 13 milijuna ljudi koji, osim u njezinom zanosnom tijelu, uživaju i u rutinama i vježbama koje pokazuje.


Una máquina: Dos variaciones de ejercicios! Outfit @one0one_101 ???? -ONE machine: TWO variations for glutes

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Njezine snimke redovito prikupe više stotina hiljada pregleda, a u posljednje vrijeme posebno se izdvojila snimka na kojoj je u minijaturnim tangama.


An emoji for your #FridayFeelings By @lee_lhgfx

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On a windy day

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Uzdahe mami i snimkama, odnosno fotografijama vježbanja, a zbog čega je tako, uvjerite se sami.